Todos os dias ponho as minhas filhotas na escola.
Curiosamente, existe um local (tipicamente a passadeira em frente à Igreja de Queijas) onde uma das minhas filhotas faz uma pergunta(sempre a mesma):
- Onde vamos?
- Vamos para a escola!
- Ah, tá bem....
E isto repete-se em 4 dos 5 dias da semana...
C - Papá, a mana vai para casa da vó Lú? (o local foi o mesmo)
M - Nãããão!!!! Eu não tou doentinha...(não dá para descrever o frazir de sobrolho e a expressão de "tás-te a passar"???) Vamos à escola!!!
C - Ah tá bem....
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Há 9 anos
11 Brain Opinions:
pois pois mas isso foi o que tu ouviste... é que logo depois disseram uma para a outra :
- "atão o cota ouve uma coisa destas e não diz nada???
- deixa lá mana... é a idade..."
Já tinha saudades. Tive que ler para trás pois na minha parva ausência perdi muita "info" :o)
É bom estar de volta!
E as miúdas crescem a olhos vistos e são espertalhonas e surpreendentes no seu crescimento.
E tu continuas um babado, e com razão! :o)
Sup i'm new here. I came accross this forum I find It positively useful & it has helped me out a lot. I should be able to give something back & aid other users like it has helped me.
Thanks Everyone, See You About.
Hey i'm fresh on here, I hit upon this chat board I find It quite useful and it's helped me out alot. I hope to give something back and help other users like it has helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Around
Heya i am new to this, I stumbled upon this website I find It vastly accommodating & its helped me out a lot. I hope to contribute and help other people like it has helped me.
Thank's, Catch You About.
Whats's Up i am new on here. I stumbled upon this site I find It extremely accommodating & it has helped me alot. I hope to give something back and support other people like its helped me.
Cheers, See Ya Later
Heya i am new on here, I came upon this forum I have found It exceedingly accommodating & it has helped me alot. I should be able to give something back and guide other people like its helped me.
Thank You, See You About.
Good Day i'm fresh on here. I hit upon this website I have found It absolutely helpful & it's helped me tons. I should be able to give something back & guide other people like it has helped me.
Thank's, Catch You About.
Whats's Up im new on here, I came upon this website I find It incredibly accessible & its helped me a lot. I should be able to give something back & guide other people like it has helped me.
Cheers all, See You About.
Hi i'm fresh here, I hit upon this forum I find It truly accommodating and its helped me alot. I hope to contribute and support others like its helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Around
Heya i am fresh here, I came upon this site I find It very accessible and it's helped me tons. I hope to give something back & assist others like it has helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Later
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